CAOS SHOW Oct 12th to Nov 6th. 2006

"Es mis valientes miedos que presagian una catástrofe en mi interior atrapo escapándoseme del aliento el caudal de imágenes recicladas al paso del tiempo en esta vida que no termino de fumar.
Ejército de almas en pena a control remoto que profesan fe en la paz pistola en mano desde su puesto vigilia a que irremediablemente caiga a sus pies este basto firmamemento pedazo de cielo desnudo retraído en estos subterráneos y furtivos encuentros paralelos entre el conocimiento de la abundante creciente dolor del hambre, la belleza y su fealdad lo colorido del blanco y negro el frívolo calor de una especie más inhumana que el resto coqueteándole a la muerte con un chip que existe para hacer latir el corazón del repuesto de hombre que enraizado en esta selva de concreto basura y smog no deja abortar el milagro amor odio que nos permita un orgasmo más con alguna nueva deidad virtual que enfatice nuestros conocimientos entre el bien y el mal lo incorrecto de tener sexo con la vida plenos y orgullosos de esta indiferencia volver a la cama para seguir soñando la extracción de una costilla ajena.

Perturbadora dulce y espinosa la vida es bella" by Doniel Espinoza.
Acrylic on canvas,
Art Show,

It was at the home of a couple of beloved friends, Guayo and Karla where I saw Doniel's Work for the first time and I should say it shocked me in a very positive way. I was drawn immediately to his command of technique and use of color, even more so (give the fact that i wanted to know more of the Artist) when my friends had told me that he was a young Guatemalan Fine Art Representative, contrary to what i had supposed. Not being able to make out his almost imperceptible signature at the bottom of the painting, believing that it was a renowned master, with an old background and lots of experience.
I maintained an interest in his work and few months later I had acquired a couple of paintings by Doniel. We started a friendly relationship to the point that I got involved in designing the catalog for his show at El Túnel Gallery on March the 14th, 2002.
I find a special charm in Doniel's work in it he aspects and characteristics of our colors and traditions gather together without being conventionally folkloric; a distinction he achieves thanks to a combination of his strong sense of magic realism and a subtle suggestion of surrealism with which he composes his themes.
Through the use of hues, textures, expressions and colors in varied scale, Doniel synthesizes characters and elements of our surroundings into compositions. That reflect activities and natures present in our provinces, but that due to the everyday exposure and the frequency with which they present themselves to our inadvertent eyes, we are not able to observe (much less interpret) the magic the artist captures in his work.
Very skillful in the "fade away" pastel technique, Doniel knows how to offer an excellent and rich production. Characteristic in artist with a challenge to search. He keeps himself in constant evolution and change, thereby presenting us Today with a New Series of polychromatic and stylized paintings.
Doniel has a long way ahead of him, he is young, original and his art proposal is fresh, no doubt he will go far.
Revista La Cuadra
Escaleras Al Sueño by Michael Tallon
Revista La Cuadra
January & February 2009
Antigua Guatemala, Volume III, Isue 2
Published by Cafe Nose
In Doniel Espinoza's series, Escaleras al Sueño the artist combines great technical skill with a perfect measure of surrealist absurdity to visually tell his audience small, but beautiful, magical realist stories. The objects in Espinoza's paintings are, in a sense, overly familiar. We live with them daily, we interact with them casually, but those things -the city, the sofa, the cabinet, the piano, the table, the fruit- are intimately a part of our lives. They are our home, they provide us rest, they give us music, the are our family temples, they sate our hunger.
Collectively, they provide space for our memory. They are the icons of our most intimate history. As a series, Escaleras al Sueño which means both Stairs to Sleep and Stairs to the Dream reminds the viewer to recollect moments of joy, of loss and of our place - achieved or unwanted - in this world. And it begs us to strive for something more beautiful, yet.
Espinoza's use of profoundly dark shadows, in paintings that also employ colors central to the Guatemalan cultural palette, draws forth a double edged question. What is the dream towards which we are aspiring? What is the reality to which we are bound?
For the viewer, such questions only add to the richness of the visual and spiritual experience. Doniel Espinoza, born in 1970, has participated in more than 30 group shows in Guatemala, El Salvador, Ecuador, The United States and Germany.

Revista La Cuadra
January & February 2009
Antigua Guatemala, Volume III, Isue 2
Published by Cafe Nose
In Doniel Espinoza's series, Escaleras al Sueño the artist combines great technical skill with a perfect measure of surrealist absurdity to visually tell his audience small, but beautiful, magical realist stories. The objects in Espinoza's paintings are, in a sense, overly familiar. We live with them daily, we interact with them casually, but those things -the city, the sofa, the cabinet, the piano, the table, the fruit- are intimately a part of our lives. They are our home, they provide us rest, they give us music, the are our family temples, they sate our hunger.
Collectively, they provide space for our memory. They are the icons of our most intimate history. As a series, Escaleras al Sueño which means both Stairs to Sleep and Stairs to the Dream reminds the viewer to recollect moments of joy, of loss and of our place - achieved or unwanted - in this world. And it begs us to strive for something more beautiful, yet.
Espinoza's use of profoundly dark shadows, in paintings that also employ colors central to the Guatemalan cultural palette, draws forth a double edged question. What is the dream towards which we are aspiring? What is the reality to which we are bound?
For the viewer, such questions only add to the richness of the visual and spiritual experience. Doniel Espinoza, born in 1970, has participated in more than 30 group shows in Guatemala, El Salvador, Ecuador, The United States and Germany.

ESCALERAS AL SUEÑO SHOW in Antigua Guatemala

sobre los males y locuras de la humanidad
dice que los sueños de la razón producen
monstruos. Cuando enfrentamos la obra de
Doniel Espinoza y especialmente su más
reciente producción ESCALERAS AL SUEÑO,
no podemos dejar de preguntarnos qué es
lo que producen los sueños de la sin razón.
Con las variantes y enriquecimientos
de su imaginario ya conocido, Doniel nos
va proponiendo caminos simples para que
elaboremos nuestra respuesta y nos lleva
de la mano por mundos en donde la intimidad
y la comunión son el encantamiento de
todos sus tiempos y espacios.
Cada pintura recrea incesantemente la utopía
del bienestar colectivo, en donde cada
integrante del sueño participa en un fino
y elaborado entorno de color bellamente
concretado, que se potencia en una atmósfera
de magia y textura. Los gigantescos muebles
y los espacios infinitos que ocupan aluden
con fuerza al arraigo de lo familiar, pero
no solo el vínculo de sangre si no que
además al vínculo de barrio, de zona, de
territorio y de mundos sin más fronteras que
las simbólicas escaleras comunicantes.
Para la sensibilidades que todavía les
afecta la creación y disfrute de valores
como belleza y magia, está el recordatorio
permanente de la sentencia de Goya y, como
ejemplo digno de la libertad creadora, la
presentación de ESCALERAS AL SUEÑO
de Doniel Espinoza".
Por Mauro Osorio
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